UGANDA Venture Philanthropy


BidiBidi. Foto: Africa Directo


Africa Directo
Socio local




Located in Uganda, Bidi-Bidi is the second largest refugee camp in the world. Through Africa Directo and the Marian Brothers, OVF has supported a revolving fund for the provision of microcredits to refugee women.

Africa Directo (AD) is an NGO that works with local organizations and volunteers so that 100% of donations reach the field. OVF started supporting AD from its beginnings, with projects focused on access to basic needs such as water and sanitation, education, health and employment. Since then, we have contributed to more than 50 projects, mainly in East Africa. In 2018, OVF supported AD with €100,000 with a total of 5,000 beneficiaries. Bidi-Bidi is one of these projects.

The challenge

Over 3 million people have left South Sudan since the civil war started. Over 300,000 have settled in Northern Uganda, in Bidi-Bidi refugee camp. The majority of refugees are women and children who need to start from scratch.

The solution

The program aims to provide a livelihood for refugee women based on microcredits and training. Prior to receiving the credits, women become part of a savings group. Savings, training and joint and several liability of the group contribute to the good functioning of the credits and guarantee their payment. UNHCR has chosen this project as a role model of an economic intervention within an emergency context.


298 refugee women have accessed credits of between 25-50€.


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Open Value Foundation es una fundación que cataliza soluciones innovadoras y sostenibles para mejorar la vida de las personas más vulnerables a través de proyectos y alianzas con un enfoque de Venture Philanthropy

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