TANZANIA Technical Assistance

Beyond Suncare

Beyond Suncare. Foto: Daniel Losada


Beyond Suncare
Socio local




Beyond Suncare (formerly known as Kilinsun Care) works to improve the quality of life of persons with albinism (PWA). Since its inception, Beyond Suncare has developed innovative solar products that protect PWA from the harmful effects of the sun, while training PWA and their families to adopt a healthy protection routine. They employ PWA as part of their staff and have forged agreements with the local government to expand their program to other hospitals and clinics.

OVF began supporting Beyond Suncare in 2016 through Africa Directo. In 2018, we supported them directly with a donation of 30,000€.

The challenge

Sub-Saharan Africa has over 200.000 persons with albinism (PWA) who face many physical challenges, on top of social discrimination and rejection. They lack access to education and adequate solar protection, and 9 out of every 10 PWA in Tanzania die of skin cancer before 30.

The solution

Kilisun Care produces in Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) a sunscreen specially designed to prevent skin cancer in PWA in Sub-Saharan Africa. Distribution takes place through mobile clinics, schools and other local platforms. In addition, it promotes the social inclusion of PWA through education programs and employment. They also encourage social inclusion of PWA through education programs and employment.


Until 2018, 3500 PCAs regularly receive comprehensive photoprotection services, of which 51% are children. Sun damage and precancerous lesions have been reduced in 75% of the beneficiaries and 98% says their self-esteem has improved. Seven local jobs have been created, and 50 people have increased their income, 30% of which are PWA. Training and empowerment of health workers, local albinism associations, PWA families and teachers has also been achieved. They are preparing for expansion into Malawi and Rwanda.


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Open Value Foundation es una fundación que cataliza soluciones innovadoras y sostenibles para mejorar la vida de las personas más vulnerables a través de proyectos y alianzas con un enfoque de Venture Philanthropy

Open Value Foundation pertenece a Santa Comba Gestión SL, holding familiar aglutinador de proyectos que fomenta la libertad de la persona desde el conocimiento.


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