UGANDA Venture Philanthropy

Impact Water

Impact Water. Foto: Yunus Social Business


Yunus Social Business
Socio local




Impact Water is a social enterprise that provides low-cost water purification systems to schools in Africa. The company also provides long-term maintenance services.

Impact Water was the first social enterprise where OVF invested through our partner Yunus Social Business (YSB) in 2015. We funded the purchase of more water purification systems, increasing its impact in Uganda. Since then, we have invested 270,000€ in social businesses through YSB. When one of these companies becomes successful, it pays back the initial investment which is then reinvested to help other social businesses.

The challenge

Over 9 million people in Uganda have no access to drinking water and every week 440 children die of waterborne diseases.

The solution

Impact Water provides schools with safe drinking water by selling UV-based water purification systems at an affordable cost, offering loans at 0% interest. 


In Uganda, more than 2,000 schools have benefitted from Impact Water's safe drinking water solutions, reaching more than 1 million students. The model is so successful that they have expanded to Kenya and Nigeria, installing water purification systems in more than 15,000 schools, bringing safe water to nearly 6,000,000 children and diverting more than 700,000 tons of CO2 in total.


Sobre Open Value Foundation

Open Value Foundation es una fundación que cataliza soluciones innovadoras y sostenibles para mejorar la vida de las personas más vulnerables a través de proyectos y alianzas con un enfoque de Venture Philanthropy

Open Value Foundation pertenece a Santa Comba Gestión SL, holding familiar aglutinador de proyectos que fomenta la libertad de la persona desde el conocimiento.


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