MALAWI Philanthropy


Alinafe. Foto: Africa Directo


Africa Directo
Socio local




In Benga, Malawi, and through Africa Directo, the Alinafe Community Hospital has organized community kitchens to fight child malnutrition in the rural communities of the Nkhotakota region. 

Africa Directo (AD) is an NGO that works with local organizations and volunteers so that 100% of donations reach the field. OVF started supporting AD from its beginnings, with projects focused on granting access to basic needs such as water and sanitation, education, health and employment. Since then, we have supported more than 50 projects mainly in East Africa. In 2018, our support to AD amounted to €100,000 for 10 projects with a total of 5,000 beneficiaries. In particular, funds to support this project were disbursed in 2017.

The challenge

Since 1992, severe malnutrition is the main cause of half of childhood deaths in Malawi. 60% percent of children under five have sub-clinical Vitamin A deficiencies, which lower children's immunity. The causes of malnutrition include poor diets, frequent diseases and chronically under-nourished pregnant women.

The solution

Alinafe's community kitchens aim to prevent child malnutrition and disease prevention and contribute to women's empowerment through education, skills development and resource mobilization in the form of microcredits. They are managed by community groups, whose members, mainly women, are trained in hygiene, nutrition and small business management.


The number of children treated for malnutrition and waterborne diseases has decreased by 80% in impact areas. In addition, 213 people, the vast majority of whom are women, have become experts in local food, nutrition and personal hygiene.


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Open Value Foundation es una fundación que cataliza soluciones innovadoras y sostenibles para mejorar la vida de las personas más vulnerables a través de proyectos y alianzas con un enfoque de Venture Philanthropy

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