BURKINA FASO Philanthropy


Padres Blancos. Foto: Africa Directo


Africa Directo
Socio local




The White Fathers have been supporting the education and development of young farmer couples in the Dialgaye region in Burkina Faso for 60 years. Together with Africa Directo they have developed the Buanga Project, which OVF supports since 2017.

Africa Directo (AD) is an NGO that works with local organizations and volunteers so that 100% of donations reach the field. OVF started supporting AD from its beginnings, with projects focused on access to basic needs such as water and sanitation, education, health and employment. Since then, we have contributed to more than 50 projects, mainly in East Africa. In 2018, OVF supported AD with €100,000 for 10 projects, among which the Buanga Project, with a total of 5,000 beneficiaries. 

The challenge

The difficult and distant access to water limits young farmers' production capacity and their development. In addition, the task of collecting, loading and transporting water and firewood falls on women, overloading their working day.

The solution

The Buanga Project offers each participating family a donkey, a plough, a cart and two water jerry cans, all financed over 10 years, to improve agricultural productivity and generate additional income for the families.


57 families have received the Buanga package in 3 years.


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Open Value Foundation es una fundación que cataliza soluciones innovadoras y sostenibles para mejorar la vida de las personas más vulnerables a través de proyectos y alianzas con un enfoque de Venture Philanthropy

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